My darling husband wanted to title my blog today, so pardon the cheesyness! ;)
I wanted to post a short blog on couponing! I have recently started getting a lot more “extreme” with it and my hard work is starting to pay off! For the past 2 weeks, I (along with my husband who so sweetly helped me a ton!) have been working on a coupon binder. This was a HUGE job, it took us about 30 hours! But the benefits of having your coupons organized nicely by categories and the ability to carry it with you on every shopping trip is uh-mazing! For example, if I see something on the clearance rack that wasn’t on my grocery list, I can simply go to that specific category and see if I have a coupon for it. If I do, I usually end up getting that clearance item for FREE or very cheap!
My goals for couponing are to save us money on our grocery bill and get a decent size stock pile of items we actually use on a daily basis. But ultimately, my goal is to bless others!! That excites me more than anything! Last week I was able to donate 4 bags of nice groceries and toiletries to a local woman’s home! How fun is that?! My heart was filled with such joy knowing that my couponing skills are helping people! That is my heart! Not to have 50 boxes of pasta or 100 tubes of toothpaste. I want to give, give, give! So…need anything? I probably have it! Hah!
A lot of you have expressed an interest in learning more about couponing. My church hosts a class occasionally but I am also thinking of hosting a small class in my home as well. If you’re interested, please leave a comment telling me!

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