Can you say......AMAZING?! I was a little skeptical because I thought it would be "cheesy" but it really wasn't at all....quite the opposite actually!
It was so refreshing to see famous actors in a wholesome, Christian movie....One of the opening scenes of the movie had actors Dennis Quaid and Helen Hunt along with Carrie Underwood worshipping at a church service...I found myself worshipping along! How fun to be able to worship while seeing a movie in theater! :)
The movie was very very inspiring to me and it really made me look at the things in my life that I need to rely on God even more for....because through him I can do ALL things through Christ! Check out the movie trailer and GO SEE THIS MOVIE IN THEATER!!! Seriously, people we say we want more clean Hollywood movies so let's support an amazing one!!!!
thanks for sharing Jess!! I had planned on watching but haven't been able to yet! =)